dijous, 7 d’abril del 2016


The last month of March we celebrated Easter in the school. The last day before holidays we played different games in the school related with that festivity.

We did two games in the playground during the morning with all the children of the school. We created 20 groups with mixed up students from P3 to 6th of primary. Each group had one shape (triangle or circle) and one colour (red, dark green, blue, orange, yellow, light green, black, brown, white and pink).

For example; the group of the red circle, the group of the blue triangle, etc.  

THE EGG HUNT: The groups had to look for a basket with chocolate eggs hunted somewhere in tyhe playground. In order to find it, each group had a clue that they have to solve.

THE EGG RACE: In order to play this game the children had to hold one spoon in their mouth with one egg on it. The egg could be real o made of plastic. They had to walk trying to keep the egg on the spoon; go and come back. If they achieved it their team had one point. If they dropped the egg on the flor and it was broken they had to return to the queue and the next person had to continue with the game. If the egg was made of plastic and it bounced on the ground they still had the opportunity to pick up the egg and continue playing until they go back to the queue.

When all the teams finished both games all the children did a big circle in the playground and they ate all the chocolate eggs that they found in the playground.


El passat mes de març vam celebrar la Pascua a l'escola. L'últim dia abans de vacances vam jugar diferents jocs a l'escola relacionats amb aquesta festivitat.

Vàrem fer dos jocs al pati durant el matí amb tots els nens i nenes de l'escola. Es van crear 20 grups d'alumnes barrejats des de P3 fins a 6è. Cada grup tenia una forma adjudicada (un triangle o un cercle) i un color (vermell, verd fosc, blau, taronja, verd clar, negre, marró, blanc i rosa).

Per exemple; el grup del cercle vermell, el grup del triangle blau, etc.

L'AMAGATALL DE L'OU: Els grups havien de buscar una cistella amb els ous ous de xocolata amagada en algun indret del pati. Per tal de trobar-la, cada grup tenia una pista que havia de resoldre.

LA CURSA DE L'OU: Per jugar aquest joc els nens i nenes havien d'aguantar una cullera a la boca amb un ou. L'ou podia ser de veritat o de plàstic. Havien de caminar procurant mantenir l'ou a la cullera; anar fins a un con i tornar. Si ho aconseguien el seu equip guanyava un punt. Si l'ou queia a terra i es trencava havien de retornar a la cua i la propera persona de l'equip havia de continuar amb el joc. Si l'ou era de plàstic i rebotava a terra tenien la oportunitat de recollir-lo i continuar jugant fins que retornaven de nou a la cua.



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